Amale Andraos

Amale Andraos is Dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) and co-founder of WORKac, a New-York based architectural and urban practice with international reach.

In addition to Columbia University, Andraos has taught at universities including Princeton University School of Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design, University of Pennsylvania Design School, and the American University of Beirut. Her publications include The Arab City: Architecture and Representation, 49 Cities, Above the Pavementthe Farm! and numerous essays. WORKac is focused on reimaging architecture at the intersection of the urban, the rural, and the natural. It has achieved international recognition through institutional projects such as the Edible Schoolyard; a new conference center in Libreville, Gabon; and the Miami Collage Garage. In addition to other awards, WORKac was named the 2015 AIA New York State Firm of the Year.

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